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There is something very important about sight and how it manifests itself in the physical world.

If we could just master the balance we will have a wonderful view of the world. So many of these great minds have this great gift…they can see things they cannot see. And we are like that.

But we don’t always know where to draw the line…we are constantly surprised.

I have read so much about “the law of nature.” I am not a biologist. But I have read it several times. I have seen it all. If it is true, then if your life is over…you have not done your work for the day.

I never get bored of it.

You would never know that they could have been a genius and died in their dreams.

There must have been some kind of miracle.

The greatest artists…when they died they are like shadows. When you look at them now, those are shadows.

You can see everything they did. The way they would speak with each other. They were in contact with this power of love that they were feeling. These individuals have really been alive for many generations. They would never die.

I am fascinated by death.

I think we are born to look after others but we forget to take it to heart in our relationships with our children.

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If you will give a good old push for a long time it helps you develop the wisdom which can help you at other times. Your mind knows that it can give a push.

I love to write. When I write I try to make my story beautiful, and a bit sad; but it’s still a real story.

When we are working towards a problem, all we do is think of other people and we forget to take up the problem with our own minds.

The way you get involved with something does not show you that it exists. It shows you that it is real.

When you are doing the task you may not be fully involved unless you have something in mind as a guide.

I always tell you, when you are a child you will know more about the world than you will ever know in your whole life. The idea that there are problems, is only because we are born with that kind of curiosity. That is the secret of life. It is not through thinking that we discover things, but simply because of curiosity you know about something. That is why it is

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